As women, we have many roles throughout our lifetime - we are partners, wives, mothers, daughters, and friends. We tend to care for those around us, including our fur children, community, and planet.  We have an instinctive tendency to place the needs of others ahead of our own. As women and owners of FTWM we fully understand and are dedicated to educating women and their families. We believe this will empower you and provide a sound financial future. To educate is to liberate.

Through this process, FTWM can help you expand your knowledge and confidence, as well as work with you to develop a stronger understanding of your finances. Through financial independence we can impact basic women’s rights, reproductive, pursuit of equality, justice, poverty, domestic issues such as physical and financial abuse.

We can make a difference!

Financial Planning for Women | Franz Tatum Wealth Management

Empowered and Living Fully

Women are more involved with their finances, compared to just a few short years ago. Are you getting the most out of your investments or investing in line with your goals? Whether you are single or married, all of us need to be actively involved in our financial lives. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and seek help when you need it. Remember that it’s your money, it’s your life and ultimately you are in charge.

As you gain a better understanding of your finances, be sure to share your experiences by talking to other women to expand the financial conversation.

FTWM is committing to empowering women.


Caregiving often creeps up on you. You start by dropping by your parent's house and you find yourself doing little things to help; laundry, cooking, grocery shopping, scheduling their doctor appointments, and refilling prescriptions. Gradually, you are doing more and more. Suddenly, you realize you have made a commitment to care for someone else.

Becoming a caregiver can happen instantly, triggered by a major health event such as a stroke, heart attack, or accident. It may also start gradually as you start to realize that dad’s memory lapses have become dangerous. Life as you know it changes. Caregiving has become your new career and you adjust to a new normal. It is imperative to know that you don’t have to do it alone.

Most individuals find it difficult. Responsibilities can range from personal care, medical decisions, legal matters, and financial responsibilities. Most of us find it difficult to ask for help. Statistically, 50% of caregivers get no outside help and 75% of caregivers are women. Information and training are available, reach out to your local area agency on aging (Riverside County Department on Aging) and local support groups. Make a list of the things that you need help with and keep the list on hand when someone offers to help so that you can easily share your needs. Little things on a regular basis mean a lot. One of the most important things to remember as a caregiver is that you must take time to care for yourself.

Financial Planning for Women | Franz Tatum Wealth Management